Friday, October 10, 2008

Presidential Election '08

I am a single issue voter in this election as I always have been and will remain until this issue is resolved. If this issue is not resolved in my lifetime, I will not relent except through my death. You see, this is a life or death issue for millions of people. In fact, this has been a life or death issue for over 35 million people since 1972. Abortion. What price will you put on a human life? I have all my life believed (as taught in my biology book) that as soon as an egg is fertilized it contains the complete set of DNA (1/2 from the sperm, 1/2 from the egg) that will grow that egg into the unique individual blueprinted into that DNA, and that that is when the life of a new individual person begins. The sperm and egg are both alive, as is the fertilized egg, hence the newly fertilized egg is a living individual at that point.

I will not rehash the stages of growth etc. because as I have already reasoned, this individual is already a unique, living, entity.

Here is my dilemma. There is an alarming number of people who consider themselves pro-life who are seriously considering voting for a candidate who's party is decidedly pro-choice. The biggest argument is that the abortion laws won't be repealed by one election, and we need to change many of the ways our government is doing things, so we might as well vote for change, then we can work to repeal the abortion laws later.

I believe that stance is a cop-out. Abortion is not an issue on which you can hold a neutral position. You either hold that human life is more sacred than anything else on earth, or you do not. As a christian, you either believe man is created in God's image, and is therefore the apex of God's creation, or you do not. If both candidates held the same position on this issue, I would be free to vote on other considerations. I am not a perfect person, in fact when my wife got pregnant before we were married, we talked about abortion as a viable option. The good news is, we got over the shock of the situation and were able to hang onto our core beliefs in spite facing parenthood somewhat prematurely. (By the way, I thank God for his faithfulnees in that situation.) But again I ask, what price will you put on a human life? Less taxes? Troops back from a war? A better economy? To vote against a pro-life platform gives tacit approval to the pro-choice platform and whether anyone likes that truth or not is irrelevent. Remember the truism: "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"? I cannot relent, I will not relent, until this issue is resolved.



G.L.H. said...

Thanks for sharing these thoughts. The fight goes on and on, and sometimes we get distracted. Like slavery, if *we* do not speak for those who cannot, the fight will never be won.

May the Lord do it in our lifetime!


Jen said...

Amen! As David Barton of Wallbuilders says, we need to vote based on moral issues. World hunger, aids, the economy - none will be solved with dirty hearts and murderous hands.

ztoamom said...

All of the other issues will shift, alter,change,disappear or remain forever no matter WHAT we do in this country ("the poor will be with you always")so why why why would we believe that this particular leader can keep the promises he makes to fix it all and make it better? Who has a written record of the promises made during campaigns (400,000 pages) and those brought into being (1/2 page). If a candidate/party can not value life then how can he be trusted to make decisions for those who have this one and only one thing in common - they are ALIVE. It is NOT one-issue voting. It is thinking. I agree wholeheartedly with your post. It is a comfort that the hearts of the kings are in the Lord's hands and He turns them as the watercourses. Tsunami comes to mind

ztoamom said...

It should say "Who has kept a written record of promises made by ANY candidate..." and end as a question. As it stands, it reads like I am goofy. I hope I am not. *smile*